Love is eternity touching time

September 24, 2012

source I listen to Sara’s songs…especially Breath of Heaven (here she sings)… knowing she stands on the precipice, the gate between this life…and eternity. * This time last year, Sara stepped into eternity. I don’t ever want to forget how brave she was, how full of faith, and yes…joy. So I’m looking back at what […]

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Love prays peace, courage, faith, and knowing | for Sara

September 21, 2012

source And I pray… for courage and faith and peace… and for Sara to know she has made a difference. * It was this time last year that Sara’s sands of time stopped running…and continued. I don’t want to forget, So it’s time to for me to remember what I wrote about the approach of […]

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Love remembers when eternity touches time | Sara

September 19, 2012

source This time last year… life touched death… and death became life. and I don’t want to forget… so it’s time to for me… to remember what I wrote… about Sara A “better than the angels” is about to soar where angels dare to tread. I remember the first post of Sara’s I ever read. […]

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Love helps the reflections |pt4| the chameleon

September 16, 2012

A thousand different strands of subterfuge… she navigates and governs her territory with lies… altering color and hue, truth and story, to match the need. This is part 4 of love helping the reflections, which all began here. The chameleon has learned that the lie is the way to get by. In some ways, her […]

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Love was how we acted after 9-11

September 11, 2012

We should always remember 9-11, and the way there was love. source After midnight on 9-11, as it turned to the 12th, my birthday, I wrote this as I watched the news. For me, that night, it was all about the numbers. A handful of airline passengers, after learning of the Trade Center attack, voting, […]

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Love helps the reflections (pt3) (the badger)

September 7, 2012

source So these five I am in a singular position to help… the timing is so right to bring good out of evil… to make something lasting from that which is passing. How do I chronicle this without betraying confidences… keep all the details secret and just speak matters of love? I need to give […]

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Love helps the five reflections (part 2)

September 5, 2012

source In a season where I am barely keeping above the water line myself… I find, bobbing nearby, five people who are also in a struggle. We’re all in struggle aren’t we? We just don’t see the struggle of others… because we’re too busy flapping our arms around. Love stops the arm flapping just long […]

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