Love responds to loving people | pt 3

January 27, 2013

Writing has been like chugging up that hill… my mind in places both sublime and terrifying… and my body – much more an enemy than a friend. But I think I can. I think I can. And some of you have still read me… and my thank you’s, which began here, continue… Mari, from girl […]

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Love responds to loving people | pt 2

January 18, 2013

source This post is to say thank you. Because for seven months now I have battled to get back to some semblance of what I was before. My blogging has been sputtery. Yet many of you still swing by. The once free flowing river of replies to comments have had some busy beavers dam things […]

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Love always responds to loving people

January 15, 2013

source For seven months now I have battled to get back to some semblance of what I was before. My blogging has been sputtery. Yet many of you still swing by. This post is to say thank you. Two things so far have nearly destroyed this humble little blogging effort of mine. One: the hostile […]

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Love stays the course, if the course is right

January 6, 2013

source I can see disappointment prancing in her eyes. It’s an evil waltz. Fear, doubt, and uncertainty are all strutting on the dance floor too. She fights to disguise it. I can feel the pounding desire within her to give up, change colors, disappear, and move on. The chameleon is all about concealment until the […]

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Love sometimes worries – for others

December 31, 2012

source I decided from the beginning that I would accept her nature. Love does that. I did it knowing that she’d grasp hard and desperate to her desire to change colors at will. She seems always one step from turning invisible, this one. She’s the one reflection who has always concerned me the most. I […]

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Love finds its home in the humble, in a stable

December 21, 2012

source Alpha, Omega… King of kings… Lord of lords… Immanuel… found a home… in the humble… in a stable. “…she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn.”  (Luke 2:7) Don’t you ever wish we had some […]

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Love helps the reflections |pt 7| success, failure, determination

December 17, 2012

The eaglet is soaring from horizon to horizon… a whimsical kite glides…. a mile above the earth… discovering updraft after updraft . The badger is content… and intent upon smiling. Although… one thing I have learned from helping the five reflections is that what’s outside very often doesn’t reflect what’s inside. In public, unless you know […]

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