Love builds a shelter from the storms of life

May 30, 2012

source I’ve been thinking lately… if life is a little stormy… if it’s one big duck of a trial… or one after another… like a line of a baby ducks… we have options. We can just muddle on through storms of life on our own….That’s the sad way. We can fly into the storms of […]

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Love says “Thank you God” 1,000 times (#’s 920-932)

May 28, 2012

source I’m too practiced at pretense… the Christian game… of smattering paint on our surface… to disguise the cracks and the flaws. I share much of them here, but still conceal them in public. And I’m wondering why… we just don’t admit our broken… to all the other brokens… and why we (I) even try […]

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Love spins a story…about shelter from the storms of life

May 25, 2012

source I’ve been thinking about finding shelter from the storms of life. And in the thinking I thought of this story. That time I hiked all the way down the Grand Canyon and back in one day… and I took that one trail nobody takes because I wanted to be alone with God. Well first…let’s […]

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Love understands “I want to give up”

May 23, 2012

source Love is about surrender… but surrender to only the right One… and only the right way. I can tell you I know the right way… not because I’m smart, or together, or brave… but because I’m unwise, and broken, and timid… and I’ve been lifted up… after falling… and falling… and falling… by Love… […]

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Love survives the labyrinth of a storm of life

May 18, 2012

source So let’s say I’m hiking in a forest. I actually wouldn’t hike in a forest. I don’t heart bugs… and there are lots of bugs in a forest. I’m more of a desert hiker. I’m sure bugs are there too… But mom always said… “Out of sight, out of mind”. Thank you mom. Anyway, […]

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Love knows to find shelter from a storm of life

May 16, 2012

source The best way to survive a storm of life? Our Lord had his way. His whole life was a storm, I think. He lost his earthly dad early on. There’s no mention in the gospels of Joseph once Jesus was an adult. And he bequeathed his mother to John from the cross – which […]

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Love believes…and says thank you’s to God (#’s 902-909)

May 14, 2012

source I glimpse a butterfly… sitting still, resting… wings opening and closing. The opens wings have colors blazing… source the wings closed are identical…but muted…hushed. Then it takes to the wind… flying inconstant…rising…falling… its path is ethereal, unpredictable… and still enough to fly. Love believes… Love is gratitude… Thank you God… #902… that the dazzling […]

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