Love is Easter

by Craig on April 24, 2011


It’s that magic Blue moment of the morning when I write this. It’s a kind of “Silent Night” blue.

5:55 AM

Tornadoes, just 5 miles away, from two days ago, gave way to rainy and dreary yesterday. The color of the sunrise will portend today’s weather.

6:05 AM

The sky continues to lighten, I can see more things. Birds wake and start the singing. I can’t tell if there’s going to be a sunrise – or clouds – but soon.

6:15 AM

It’s still got that blue tint to everything. The ground is wet. I suspect by now the colors of dawn would be happening if the skies were clear. So soon I imagine the “blue time” will yield to gray.

6:45 AM

No bursts of color, but no tornadoes, no rain, just overcast with a hint of blue sky beyond the clouds.

Was it a morning like this in Jerusalem that day?

I have written 3 Easter poems this month, one is all fluffy lambs and sunshine, the two following are a little more … fierce.

If you’ve read them before – well – I liked reading them again.

If you haven’t read them you’ll heart all three. Just click on the title of the poem to go there. Pick one, or two, or three of them – or just have the happiest of Easters and go enjoy your day. I’m glad you came by.

Love is the Lamb of God

In which the Lamb is a Lion and Our Savior – a thief

In which darkness begets light

Oh, and by the way, the sun popped through the clouds as I finished this, and then hid behind them again by the time I finished the sentence. Interesting Easter week weather here in St. Louis.

In God’s love

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Cora April 24, 2011 at 3:46 pm

Craig, I’m so glad it’s Sunday! I thought about your (our) little lamb today as my pastor spoke his experience as an 8 year old witnessing the slaughter of a little, trusting lamb. He said it was years before he could speak of it, and even today, the tears flowed. And so did mine! Sometimes, the analogies get a little confusing in my heart — yet, they are only one — the whole thing of US being like lambs and HIM the shepherd, then switching all the way around to HIM being the lamb. It isn’t until I go the distance and read of how all of God became all of man so He could fix the broken ME. It’s no wonder He always had a soft spot for sheep and lambs and moms —- and you and me! The sun is shining here. Was it a morning like this????


Craig April 25, 2011 at 10:33 am

Cora – I read someone last week who wrote about the same thing. The ugliness of sacrifice. Sin requires death and that was the way to atone. Ugly. But it’s how ugly sin is – we just don’t see it that way. And I heart these words, “all of God became all of man so He could fix the broken ME” HEART them. Thank you. God Bless you Cora – God Bless.


A. April 27, 2011 at 7:49 am

I am just very grateful you did not have to experience tornadoes and destructive winds just as you completed your new move.


Craig April 27, 2011 at 1:14 pm

don’t speak too soon – tornadoes hit just five miles away – you know – midwest – spring – it’s the thing. 🙂


A. April 27, 2011 at 9:09 am

Easter…I especially love the photos. They tell the story so well. I am so glad He is risen. I am so glad He took on the darkness and evil for us.


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