Love doubts doubts and believes beliefs

by Craig on April 20, 2011

Doubt is the darker angel.

Love lights the way

and Light pierces darkness

Doubting midnight doubt


to believing Love’s dawning faith.

(sorry – a remnant poetic thought from my Easter poem on the other blog (here)

Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:27,28)

And the best thing about this passage is this.

Thomas never reached out.

He just believed.

Unchallenged doubt is a lot easier than faith but has few of the benefits. Faith means hope, confidence, security, purpose, and passion. Doubt crushes hope, courage, and passion – leaving us directionless and insecure.

But it is the easier way.

Of course, bandits usually keep watch over the easy road.

Easy isn’t always as easy as it looks.

It’s about faith.

Hebrews 11 is called the faith Hall of Fame. It has examples of people who disregarded the doubts and successfully believed.

The worthy sacrifice of Abel – the one that enraged Cain.

Enoch, with whom God was so pleased that he just snatched him up before he had a chance to die, “he was found no more because God had taken him.” (11:5) That’s nifty huh?

And Noah building this big, box like boat,
in the middle of a desert,
when nobody had ever even seen rain before.
“Whatcha doin Noah?”
“I’m making an Ark to ride the waters”
“What waters?”
How many times did he have to answer this stuff?

And Abraham, after God had remained obscured for centuries or more,
and people were making up gods right and left,
he’s the one to whom God re-revealed himself.
Our Lord said “GO” and he went.
Not perfect – but “justified by faith”.

And Isaac – faithful but deceived.

Jacob – the deceiver who wrestled with God and believed.

Esau – betrayed and off to start his own people – who would remain enemies of Israel to this very day.

And Joseph planting Israel in Egypt.
And Moses taking them out.

And Rahab – the harlot – in the family line of Our Lord.

Paul could have listed more but, “I have not time to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets…” (11:32)

And I’ll throw in some girls Paul left out: Deborah, Esther, Mary, and Mary, and THE  Mary. I’d list more – but “I have not time to tell”.

They all believed, without proof.

Because where proof is possible faith is impossible.
And where faith is impossible
Love doesn’t abide.
And where Love doesn’t abide.
Death is the end game.

But not every belief is in something worth believing. There’s the correct use of doubt. If a faith is worth having it stands up to examined doubts.

So today I have to ask what’s so special about my doubts?

Do they deserve the attention?

An unsubstantiated doubt is far less worthy of belief than an examined faith.

What am I doubting?

What doubt is blocking the way?

Is it a big spiritual thing? Is it a small earthly possibility?

Is it others? (good possibility this could be one)

Is it me? (I’m pretty sure this one will join the parade)

Doubts are as easy to see as footprints on a clean floor. Today is for taking a closer look at the footprints. This is one of those “loves” where I ask you to come along with me in my love walk. You don’t have to, but I’m working this love to pieces today – and I’d heart if you worked it with me.

Today, all day, Love examines doubts and believes in faith rather than doubting faith and believing the doubts. Today I will question my questions more than I question my faith.

In God’s love.

{ 11 comments… read them below or add one }

Dawn April 20, 2011 at 10:03 am


I read the early edition and I feel as if I’m in another dimension or a time warp or something. This really messed with my mind and, as you know, my mind is already messy. Hmmm, perhaps this will help!

Anyway, someone once made the comment that believing that all this (meaning the world) just happened by chance takes too much faith. I thought about that and it really does. Believing God makes much more sense than doubting Him. I love that you are going to develop this.

I’ll be back,


Craig April 20, 2011 at 2:14 pm

I’m not sure I’m going to develop it too much more – I added a little poemy thing at the top – a leftover from my Easter poem I just wrote on the twin blog – poems don’t let go of you right away after you struggle with them – grrrrrrr –

But I heart what I added – and the pictures – HEART them. God bless you Dawn. Thank you as always – really – thank you.


Dawn April 20, 2011 at 3:02 pm

Yes, the pictures are dramatic and really enhance the words.

When I said “develop this,” I thought you were going to do a “Craig” thing, in let’s say, 10 parts. Ha! You could, you know, just using Hebrews 11 and taking each character mentioned…

Just kidding.
I think I’m done for today.
I have to go be Grandma,


Craig April 20, 2011 at 3:31 pm

Nope Dawn – this is a one day – do this love all day and see where it gets us kind of love – I did a whole bunch of stuff on doubt over on the other blog – it even has it’s own category. I still haven’t finished up the Lord’s Prayer yet – better get on that tomorrow 🙂 God Bless.


Heidi M April 20, 2011 at 7:43 pm

i adore this post… why the doubts… why do we let them creep in?? when we know to fully embrace our faith is the way, we still let them whittle away. Beautifully said, Craig… question the QUESTIONS more than we question the faith.
Bless you, especially during this lovely Holy Week… thank you for visiting WOHM. 🙂


Craig April 20, 2011 at 7:57 pm

I don’t know if I heard this – or if I made it up – I think I made it up myself one night – doubt the doubts – believe the beliefs – I doubt me the most – and stuff – used to doubt Our Lord – and even his existence – even after graduating Seminary – one reason I never became a pastor. Not anymore – nope – be silly to doubt knowing what I know – but me – mostly me. And you remind me I need to read this again – why the doubt of me? Doubt the doubt. turn the table. thank you Heidi – your mind always does tick – thank you and God Bless.


Debbie April 21, 2011 at 1:16 am

I love the doubt the doubt technique! 🙂 I seem to keep realizing more and more, that so much is trying to drag down my belief. Can’t let it, but it’s sneaky and is everywhere. So thankful He is everywhere too and so much stronger. God bless you. And I believe in you because Jesus lives in you.


Craig April 21, 2011 at 11:07 am

Now that I invented it – and known it – and now blogged it – now I need to start using it. No? And I have to cover in an upcoming post why I can read stuff from you like”I believe in you”- and hear it – but not believe it myself. That sounds like blog fodder right? God Bless you Deb. God bless.


Michelle April 21, 2011 at 4:40 am

I remember hearing that if there is any doubt, then there is no doubt. But I think that is more in relation to whether we should move in a direction that we think God is taking us.
But I also think that if we have doubts, we need to explore them (question them, if you will) as to why they are there? Is it because we have lost, or are losing, faith? Is it because there is ‘new’ information? Is it (God) asking us to question why we believe what we believe, that we may be surer in our faith?
Once again, Craig, you raise more questions than you answer. 🙂


Craig April 21, 2011 at 11:13 am

I think – repeat – THINK I understand “if there is any doubt, then there is no doubt.” You might have to splain it to me. Asking why the doubt is there – good stuff. Since I covered doubt in a BIG way a few months ago over on Deep into Scripture – I think this doubt to deal with is the self doubt thing. Sound OK? And maybe I didn’t answer the questions I didn’t ask because I think you guys are a little wiser than me. YUP!


A. April 27, 2011 at 8:56 am

Your remnant poem spoke to me of the tremendous power that love possesses. I am glad you added the poem. I loved every line of it.


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