luv duz not abanden luv kiteez

by Craig on January 28, 2011

i no thayr r peepul owt thayr

i no u reed wen i tipe

this iz laska the luv kity

i m beeying held prisunr

somwun kawl fore help!!!!!!!!!

i m in a howse

kreg went away in hiz car

he iz gone

he left me in this hows with uther peepul

thay make me eet hard fud only

they du not mix it with fud frum kanz

thay do not run th watr in the bathrume sink so i ken drink

thay mayke me drink owt of a bole

thay don play with me an my toys like kreg

i mis him

he sed laska i ma gowing tu a blog confrinse

u wil sta with ant gina

that iz his sistr

so come sayve me

i m in the united stayts

owtside iz a tree

an u can yooz ur hands with th thums

and opin ti dore an resku me

i hav tu go now

i ken only yooz thayr cumpyooter when thay dont luk

i wil pak cawz i kno won ov u wil sayve me

only safe playse iz uner th bed

luv Laska

P.S. i wil giv u kity treets if u sayve me


{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Anonymuss January 28, 2011 at 1:27 am

This is TOO precious!!!! I luv kiteez so when i red thiz i had tu go get mi kitee an hug hur tite!!! laska, i saw that HELP u rote on thu side at thu bottum. i wud reskue u iff i kud!!!! i no whut it iz lik tu want tu hide undr thu bed. sumtimz i feel that wae abowt life in jeneral! i bet kreg missuz u too laska!


gina reid January 28, 2011 at 8:53 am

Laska loves his Aunt Gina and Uncle Paul. He has lots of new places to hide and play and sniff. He is eating fun kitty treats and wet food (even warmed up). He’s getting his belly rubbed and lots of cuddles. He’s not interested in playing with his toys though. There’s just too much to investigate and those toys are old news to him. He even thinks he wants to meet the other kitties but I’m not so sure he knows what he is asking. He likes my little person and she likes him (she likes all furry things though). Don’t you worry about Laska. I even let him use my computer……

i did not no ant gena wood rede this – humiz r sneky. maybe this iz in code – maybe not – bu maybe i m not a pizner – Kreg, maybe i m gud. maybe i lyk were i m. ant gena iz gud at beli rubz n petz – that is al tru. she letz me claw at things n has lots of hiding spots. I mis kreg tho. don’t wurry. i m fine – maybe Laska


Anonymuss January 28, 2011 at 10:35 am

Huge smiles…Laska, it sounds like your Aunt Gina understands and loves kitteez, too, like Craig.


Debbie January 29, 2011 at 1:34 pm

This is too cute. 🙂 So glad Craig has a sis like you, Gina, who even takes on special love kitties like Laska . . .out of love. And let’s him use the computer? More love. 🙂
Dear Laska . . .sometimes we get placed in a different situation, things change. But Love, it’s still there, we’re still in Good Hands. 🙂 And this change is going to change back again, only you will be the better for it. You now have 2 special places where you are loved and cared for!
p.s. what flavor are those kitty treats though . . .hmmmm. 🙂


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